Thursday, 7 February 2013
Paper Sculpture Cross - Part 2 Tube. Duration : 11.37 Mins.

The second part to my Paper Mache Cross sculpture making. I KNOW - it's quiet. I'll fix that if I can on other videos. Turn your speakers or headphones up for this one. Just don't forget to turn the sound back down after. Otherwise, you'll blow out your eardrums, and I'll say "I warned you." But, you won't hear me because you broke your ears. Trying something new in this one. It's probably the only way I can keep my videos from getting messed up when I use my video editing software. Until I get better software, at least. In this video, I start using a home made paper clay. I also talk a lot. Like, more than usual. Like, a LOT more than usual. And, I get all philosophical-istic, and stuff. I'll share the recipe for the paper clay as soon as I work out the problems I have with it. If you missed Part 1... Part 3... -:-:-:-::-0-::-:-:-:- If you like this video, favorite, share and subscribe!


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